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Release v2.10.1

Release date: September 10, 2024

Supported models: redaction / restriction / replication

The current release of InCountry Data Residency for Salesforce includes the following features and improvements:

Improved the user interface for the InCountry Chatter component

A collapsed email message now shows the email body instead of displaying the profile key.



Improved the performance of the InCountry Chatter and Email Message components

Improved the performance of the InCountry Chatter component by implementing lazy loading for attachments, similar to Salesforce Chatter. Expandable sections were introduced for replied messages, allowing all attachments from previous messages to be displayed upon expansion.


Improved the user experience when working with the InCountry Chatter component

Addressed the issue with the infinite spinner appeared in InCountry Chatter when object policies are applied to the Cases and Email objects.

Addressed the issue with frontend validations not displayed for custom objects

After creating a validation rule in Salesforce's Object Manager, the rule didn't appear under Settings => Frontend Validations => Object tab, and as a result, it didn't work properly. The issue has been fixed. The frontend validation rules are now displayed for custom objects.


Improved the user experience when working with the InCountry Chatter component

Added validation for the ToAddress field. Now, when a user tries to send an email with an invalid or empty email address, the validation will prevent the email from being sent.




Occasionally, after reloading the page, users encountered an issue with duplication of records in the InCountry Related List Single component. This issue has now been fixed.

Addressed the issue with an error occurred when InCountry Related List Single was sorted by a column containing boolean values. This issue has now been fixed.


Addressed the issue for community users using Javascript UI/API

Added support for Person Accounts in the UI API, enabling you to perform CRUD operations directly from your components. Additionally, the Person Account support is now available for Community as well.

This is an example of how to use the UI API with Person Account.

updateRecordHandler() {
// It's UI API update method
fields: {
Id: this.recordId,
FirstName: 'ChangedFirstName',
LastName: 'ChangedLastName',
Industry: 'Banking',
PersonEmail: ''
}).then(result => {
// handle success result
}).catch(error => {
// An error is a Promise. So, we need to parse it as an object.

Improved the performance of the Quick Actions component

In this release, we focused on improving the performance of Quick Actions in the system. These improvements enhanced the user experience by minimizing API calls to Salesforce Metadata and Tooling APIs and reducing data loading time.

In the previous version, there was an issue with the column name Field in the history related list. In this updated version, we have resolved this issue. The column now displays the field label instead of the field API name.


Addressed the issue with the state of the left region expanded after a page refresh

In the previous version, the Header and Collapsible Right Sidebar template in the InCountry console app did not retain the state of the left region (collapsed or expanded) after a page refresh. In this updated version, we have resolved this issue. The left region now retains its state when refreshing the page, duplicating the page, or opening a new page.


Introduced support for the Scheduled Reports feature

Users can now subscribe themselves or others to InCountry Report. The package now supports the same frequencies as native Salesforce, and reports can be executed under a different user. Users will receive notifications via email or Salesforce notifications regarding the results of the scheduled reports.


In this release, we focused on improving the performance of related list in the system. These improvements enhanced the user experience by minimizing API calls to Salesforce Metadata and Tooling APIs and reducing data loading time.

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 10.57.25-20240911-065729.png

In the previous version, the package didn’t support the default column sorting in the Related List Single component. The update now enables the default sorting based on the current settings specified in the page layout.

Addressed the issue with the server-side sorting not working when clicking the View All button

In the previous version, there was an issue with the column sorting in the View all related list, as the sorting only functioned on the client side. In this updated version, we have resolved this issue, and now sorting is handled on the backend, allowing lists with more than 50 records to load correctly.

Improved the user experience when using the dialogue box close buttons and pictograms on the Email detail page

  1. Addressed the issue with the Cross/Close icon not shown on the dialogue box close buttons.

    In v2.8.8, Salesforce changed the background color of the Cross/Close icon from transparent to white, and therefore, on some popups, the Cross/Close icon was white. In this updated version, we have resolved this issue, and in Salesforce v2.10.0, the Cross/Close icon is gray.

    image (11).png

  2. Increased the size of the pictograms on the Email detail page to make it easier for users to click on them.

    In v2.8.8, Salesforce reduced the clickable area on the pictograms on the Email detail page, making it difficult for users to click on them. In this updated version, we have resolved this issue, and in Salesforce v2.10.0, we increased the size of the pictograms to make it easier for users to click on them.

    image (12).png