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InCountry REST API Release Notes

InCountry REST API 2.33.0

  • Introduced the new performance-optimized method for record creation (with support of direct DB communication) - POST /api/v2/models/{model}.
  • Added coordination between the ACL and Firewall features: support for the firewall-based masking mode in ACL policies.

InCountry REST API 2.32.2

  • Addressed the issue with improper handling of an expired OAuth2 token.

InCountry REST API 2.32.1

  • Improved the TLS environment variables logic.

InCountry REST API 2.32.0

  • Completed migration of ACL logic from the PoP API to the REST API.
  • Added support for signing requests to the PoP API to establish trusted requests between the REST API and the PoP API and eliminate redundant PoP API checks (e.g. ACL or Firewall).
  • Added support for schemas in the resident function.
  • Merged the REST API frontend-oriented /webapi/* service into the generic /api/* methods with an additional option of adding customer ACL-endpoint into the flow.

InCountry REST API 2.31.0

  • Added support for a new JSON field in the record schema.
  • Added meta information to a REST API response to indicate redacted fields.

InCountry REST API 2.30.0

  • Improved performance by adding caching for token introspection results.
  • Improved the user experience when working with the $like find filter. It can now be used with the logical operator $not.

InCountry REST API 2.29.0

  • Added support for more data types: date, time, datetime, boolean.
  • Added support for more field types: indexed, indexed+hashed, encrypted.
  • Added support for the REST API public logs in the InCountry Portal UI.

InCountry REST API 2.23.0

  • Added a mechanism to preserve the record history for modified records since the point of the initial record creation.
  • Updated names of parameters in the methods used for management of attachments stored in the object storage.
  • Updated the mechanism of calling resident functions and made it more secure.
  • Resolved the issue with the record aggregation (/webapi/records/aggregate) by the number of records (COUNT operation) returning Status 403: Forbidden.
  • Improved behavior of the aggregate function for records without a group.

InCountry REST API 2.22.0

  • Added an endpoint allowing the migration of records between different records.
  • Added an endpoint supporting the simplified calling of resident functions through the REST API.

InCountry REST API 2.21.0

  • Added the endpoint which allows the rehashing of specific record’s values stored in the InCountry Vault.
  • Added support for the data firewall that blocks requests to the REST API coming from IP addresses that located outside the country where the REST API resides, or those that are not specified in the allow list.

InCountry REST API 2.20.0

  • Added support for new endpoints allowing management of attachments stored on the object storage in Alibaba Cloud.

InCountry REST API 2.19.0

  • Added minor operation and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.18.0

  • Addressed the issue with a Salesforce record which cannot be found within the /aggregate method.
  • Internal code optimization. The ERR_IDEMPOTENCY_CHECK_FAILURE error was replaced with the Too Many Requests error.

InCountry REST API 2.17.0

  • Addressed the issue with not sending retries when a PoP API instance is not responding.
  • Addressed the issue with the clone request which returned sensitive data in a response.

InCountry REST API 2.16.0

  • Added the data export script as a part of the customer offboarding process.
  • Added configurable retries and a timeout for all PoP API operations.
  • Add a capability to pass only necessary fields to the PoP API.
  • Added a capability to configure the maximum batch size in the REST API.
  • Introduced minor operation and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.15.0

  • Added support for the additional aggregation functions (MIN, MAX, and AVG).
  • Added support for the new filters for the /find endpoint.
  • Implemented a new REST API endpoint for the Clone operation.
  • Added support for the new object storage (Alibaba Cloud OSS).
  • Itroduced minor operation and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.14.0

  • Addressed the issue with the Permission denied error occurrence when saving multiple records or deleting single and multiple records.
  • Addressed the issue with the record creation when supplying the invalid country code.

InCountry REST API 2.13.0

  • Migrated to the snake_case naming convention in all record properties.
  • Added support for the cascadeBy query parameter to remove records automatically.
  • Added the aggregation endpoint supporting the following:
    • filtration of records before aggregation;
    • grouping records against specific fields and calculating aggregate values for the group.
  • Added the ability to specify the file name when uploading an attachment.

InCountry REST API 2.12.0

  • Added support for the idempotency headers.
  • Added support for the subnet-based blacklists.
  • Added minor operation and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.11.0

  • Added a capability to automatically delete outdated reports.
  • Added support for the retry method which sends a new request to Hydra in case of connection timeouts.
  • Added security improvements into the resident functions component by implementing the cryptographic module.
  • Added minor operation and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.10.0

  • Removal of all ServiceNow related endpoints.
  • Introduced minor operation and reliability improvements for request authorization and request handling.

InCountry REST API 2.9.0

  • Support for the program code obfuscation.
  • Introduced minor operation and reliability improvements for operation logging and validation.

InCountry REST API 2.8.0

  • Introduced minor operation and reliability improvements for the record create, update, and find operations.

InCountry REST API 2.7.8

  • Support for search queries against one character (Chinese).
  • Introduced minor security and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.7.7

  • Support for the OR and LIKE operators for record filtration.
  • Support for the bulk record removal operation.
  • Introduced minor operation and reliability improvements for healtcheck and operation validations.

InCountry REST API 2.7.6

  • Introduced minor performance and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.7.5

  • Added minor security improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.7.4

  • Support for IP localization for the ServiceNow integration.
  • Support for removal of IP ranges for the ServiceNow integration.
  • Added minor operation and reliability improvements for bulk record update and removal operations.

InCountry REST API 2.7.3

  • Support for bulk update of records on the InCountry platform.
  • Added minor operation and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.7.2

  • Support for record filtration by the created_at and updated_at fields.
  • Added minor operation improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.7.1

  • Added minor operation and reliability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.7.0

  • Support for OAuth2 request authorization.

InCountry REST API 2.6.2

  • Added operation and security improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.6.1

  • Added reliability and operation improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.6.0

  • Support for the expires_at field which provides the automatic removal of data records from the InCountry Platform upon reaching the specified date.
  • Retrieval of the change history for value modifications in records.
  • Added minor stability and security improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.5.0

  • Support for record sorting against a specific field in the ascending/descending order.
  • Generation of the record change history for value modifications in records.
  • Increase in the maximal file upload size.
  • Added minor reliability and security improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.4.0

  • Support for management of serverless scripts and their execution.
  • Support for custom encryption keys (BYOK).
  • Support for the batch write method for the ServiceNow integration.
  • Added operation and security improvements.
  • Addressed the issue with execution of the batch write method.
  • Added minor reliability and security improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.3.0

  • Performance optimization.
  • Added the following operation and security improvements:
    • Security fixes.
    • Improved Salesforce integration.
    • Ordinary updates and other minor bug fixes.

InCountry REST API 2.2.2

  • Minor bug fixes, performance and stability improvements.

InCountry REST API 2.2.1

  • Support for objects within the request body for record management requests.

InCountry REST API 2.2.0

  • Support for the strings passed within record management requests.
  • Support for Arabic characters in the attachment names sent to the REST API.
  • Methods to manage attachments (upload, delete and download) with the REST API.
  • Fix of the issue with unredacted records in reports.
  • Ordinary updates and other minor bug fixes.